SGI Developer Toolbox 6.1
SGI Developer Toolbox 6.1 - Disc 4.iso
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C/C++ Source or Header
274 lines
* Copyright 1984, 1991, 1992, 1993, 1994, Silicon Graphics, Inc.
* All Rights Reserved.
* This is UNPUBLISHED PROPRIETARY SOURCE CODE of Silicon Graphics, Inc.;
* the contents of this file may not be disclosed to third parties, copied or
* duplicated in any form, in whole or in part, without the prior written
* permission of Silicon Graphics, Inc.
* Use, duplication or disclosure by the Government is subject to restrictions
* as set forth in subdivision (c)(1)(ii) of the Rights in Technical Data
* and Computer Software clause at DFARS 252.227-7013, and/or in similar or
* successor clauses in the FAR, DOD or NASA FAR Supplement. Unpublished -
* rights reserved under the Copyright Laws of the United States.
* array offsets
#define X 0
#define Y 1
#define Z 2
* types of geometry sections
#define BRANCH 0
#define GEOMETRY 1
* types of geometry sections
* 1st letter C = color L = Lighted I = color indexed
* 2nd letter P = polygonal L = Line D = point T = tmesh M = poly/line/pt
* 3nd letter V = per vertex U = per unit of(polygon, line, or points)
* S = for the entire geometry section
#define GEOM 0
#define LPV_GEOM 5
#define LPU_GEOM 6
#define LPS_GEOM 7
#define CPV_GEOM 10
#define CPU_GEOM 11
#define CPS_GEOM 12
#define LLV_GEOM 13
#define LLU_GEOM 14
#define LLS_GEOM 15
#define CLV_GEOM 16
#define CLU_GEOM 17
#define CLS_GEOM 18
#define LDV_GEOM 19
#define LDU_GEOM 20
#define LDS_GEOM 21
#define CDV_GEOM 22
#define CDU_GEOM 23
#define CDS_GEOM 24
#define LTV_GEOM 25
#define LTU_GEOM 26
#define LTS_GEOM 27
#define CTV_GEOM 28
#define CTU_GEOM 29
#define CTS_GEOM 30
#define IMV_GEOM 31
#define IMU_GEOM 32
#define IPV_GEOM 33
#define IPU_GEOM 34
#define TLPU_GEOM 100
#define SSECTION 5
#define FSECTION 6
#define PSECTION 7
#define LSECTION 8
#define CSSECTION 10
#define CFSECTION 11
#define CSECTION 12
#define CLSECTION 13
* types of transforms
#define ROTX 0
#define ROTY 1
#define ROTZ 2
#define TRANSLATE 3
#define SCALE 4
* types of color index objects
#define CIDX_PNT 0
#define CIDX_LINE 1
#define CIDX_POLF 2
#define CIDX_POLY 3
* mode bit information
#define MBACKFACE 0x1
#define MTRANSPERENT 0x2
#define MZMASK 0x4
#define MCMASK 0x8
* sritch bit information
#define EV_RIGHT 0x1000000
#define EV_ABOVE 0x2000000
#define EV_BEHIND 0x4000000
#define EV_MASK 0x7000000
#define EV_SHIFT 24
* Other
#define M_EIGHTVIEW 0x10000000
* culling specified by high bit of state
#define CULL 0x80000000
typedef struct trans {
int type; /* rotate translate or scale */
int angle; /* for rotate */
float x, y, z; /* for translate and scale */
} trans_t;
* generic section
typedef struct generic {
int type;
} generic_t;
* branch node section
typedef struct node {
int type;
unsigned long statebits;
unsigned long modebits;
int tcount; /* number of transforms */
int *tlist; /* list of transforms */
int scount; /* number of sections */
int *slist; /* list of sections numbers */
int *stlist; /* list of sections types */
} node_t;
typedef struct polygon {
int vcount;
int *vnlist;
float **vlist;
float **nlist;
float **xlist;
float normal[3];
long color;
long type;
long *clist;
} polygon_t;
* geometry section
typedef struct geometry {
int type;
long material;
long color;
float normal[3];
int pcount;
polygon_t *plist;
int vcount;
float **vlist;
float **nlist;
float **xlist;
long *clist;
} geometry_t;
typedef struct objct {
int bcount; /* number of branch nodes */
node_t *blist; /* list of branch nodes */
int tcount;
trans_t *tlist;
int gcount; /* number of geometry nodes */
geometry_t *glist; /* list of geometry nodes */
int mcount; /* number of material nodes */
int *mlist; /* list of material nodes */
float radius;
} object_t;
* material lists
typedef struct {
long id;
float data[21];
} mat_t;
extern int mcount; /* number of material nodes */
extern mat_t *mlist; /* list of material nodes */
* prototypes for read.c
object_t *readobj(char *fname);
void readnode_list(object_t *obj, int count);
void readtrans_list(object_t *obj, int count);
void readgeom_list(object_t *obj, int count);
void readmat_list(object_t *obj, int count);
void readnode(node_t *np);
void readssect(geometry_t *sect);
void readfsect(geometry_t *sect);
void read_tlpu_geom(geometry_t *sect);
void readpsect(geometry_t *sect);
void readcsect(geometry_t *sect);
void readcdvgeom(geometry_t *sect);
void readcdugeom(geometry_t *sect);
void read_imu_geom(geometry_t *sect);
void read_imv_geom(geometry_t *sect);
void read_ipu_geom(geometry_t *sect);
void read_ipv_geom(geometry_t *sect);
void readtrans(trans_t *t);
int readnumlist(int **nlist);
int readcnumlist(int **nlist);
int readblist(int **nlist, int **tlist);
int readmat();
void resolve_mat(object_t *obj);
void readerror(char *errbuf);
int fillbuf();
int isbinary();
object_t *breadobj(char *fname);